Research Profile
The research profile of Mittweida University of Applied Sciences
Research at Mittweida University of Applied Sciences is characterised by application orientation and interdisciplinarity. It is characterised by four main research areas (FSP):
- Laser Technologies
- Product and Process Development
- Digitalisation in Business and Society
- Applied Computer Science
FSP1: Laser Technologies
Laser technology has a tradition of more than 40 years at Mittweida University of Applied Sciences and is now the No. 1 research focus at Mittweida University of Applied Sciences, regularly accounting for more than one third of third-party funding. Seven professors and more than 50 employees bundle their competences in the Laserinsitut Hochschule Mittweida (LHM). Research and development as well as transfer services such as spin-offs, consulting and testing as well as further education are among the primary tasks of the LHM, as is academic training (studies in laser technology/physical engineering). The Laserinstitut Hochschule Mittweida is one of the leading research institutions in laser technology in Germany with globally recognised research results on innovative processes. Over 60 laser systems of all common wavelengths and power ranges are available in 40 locations in a new research building completed in 2016.
FSP2: Product and Process Development
The research lines of product and process development are shaped by a specific range of engineering and natural sciences with intersections to industrial engineering. The research and transfer services of the research focus regularly comprise more than 30% of the university's third-party funding income and represent an important basis for the generation of product and process innovations. Research focuses on the following profile lines: energy technology and systems; resource management; information and system electronics, embedded systems; manufacturing technologies; work planning; materials and surface technologies; drive systems, robotics; automation industry 4.0, component development and evaluation; fibre composites as well as biological systems and technologies. Important competences in product and process development are bundled in the following institutes: Institute InnArbeit - Centre for Innovative Work Planning and Work Science and the Institute for Energy Management (ifem).
Contact: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Uwe Mahn
FSP3: Digitalisation in Economy and Society
The research profile lines in the context of digitalisation in business and society encompass economic, social and media research approaches to meeting the challenges of economic and social change. Intensive research is conducted in the profile lines on the topic of working environments (up to mobility), living situations and quality of life as well as regional development and entrepreneurship at two faculties of the university (Social Work and Industrial Engineering). The research profile line Digital Educational Technologies addresses the promotion of teaching/learning processes in the process of digitalisation of higher education by developing and applying suitable technologies and platforms with the aim of increasing study success and study quality.
Contact: Prof. Dr. rer. pol. André Schneider
FSP4: Applied Computer Science
Computer scientists and mathematicians from Mittweida conduct research in a wide range of application areas, from software technology and engineering, programming languages and network technologies and their evaluation to distributed and mobile systems, with the aim of systematically developing efficient algorithms for practicable solutions. Strong research profiles are found in particular in the areas of big data (e.g., blockchain/DLT), bioinformatics and digital forensics & IT security. There is potential for synergies with mathematics and the competence field of machine learning. Important research topics in the field of media informatics can be found in the profile lines web, app, cloud & gaming technologies, IoT and virtual reality/ augmented reality.
Contact: Prof. Dr. rer.nat. Marc Ritter